Are you being held captive by your pain?

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Stop being a captive to your pain and start living a happier, healthier and more fulfilled life. Right now your body is working as hard as it can to help you keep going, to keep you functioning “normally”. Like you it is trapped, trapped in a state of poor function and compensation patterns.

What is Subluxation and how does it affect me?

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A vertebral subluxation occurs when one or more vertebrae in your spine move out of their ideal position and/or when there is a restriction of movement between two vertebral joints. This is typically caused by your body’s reaction to stress in your environment (we will dive deeper into this later). This causes interference in the function of the nervous system, and can cause increased physical and chemical stress in the tissues surrounding the area.

What is Subluxation and how does it occur?

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A vertebral subluxation occurs when one or more vertebrae in your spine move out of their ideal position and/or when there is a restriction of movement between two vertebral joints. This is typically caused by your body’s reaction to stress in your environment (we will dive deeper into this later). This causes interference in the function of the nervous system, and can cause increased physical and chemical stress in the tissues surrounding the area.

How safe is chiropractic care?

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When you start looking at options to correct a health problem or support your health and the health of your family, you always want to make sure of two things right?
Is this option safe?
Is this option effective?

Who is the conductor of health in your body, how do they work?

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How do you, and your body, keep track of your surroundings? With your nervous system. Your nervous system is the master coordinator of your body. It functions like the conductor in an orchestra, making sure all the right notes (messages) are being played (sent) by the right instruments (specific cells, tissues and organs) at the right time. When this is done well you have a beautiful melody, and when it is done incorrectly it is painful to hear.

How do you know your baby is experiencing stress?

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It is always tough with babies that are less than a year old. They cannot communicate in any other way than emotional outbursts, namely crying. This causes stress for you and for the little one, but why are they crying? How do you know what is causing the issue? WHat kind of stress can your little one really be under?

7 tips to support your immune system

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Your immune system protects your body, and is made up of multiple organs, cells and proteins. It is the second most complex system in your body, and works intimately with your nervous system. It is typically activated when you have a foreign substance or pathogen in or on your body.

How does your body change with a chiropractic correction?

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How does chiropractic work? How is chiropractic different from other manual professions? Why should I choose chiropractic? Do any of these questions sound familiar to you? A common problem, even though chiropractic has been around for more than a century already, is that people (like you) don’t know what chiropractic does and why it is so important.

Make it a Chiropractic Healthy New Year!

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First it was the last piece of work you had to complete quickly and then the holidays could begin. Then before you know it, Christmas and New Years celebrations have come and gone. You probably spent more than you can and ate and drank more than is good for you. So it’s time again for good intentions and for a firm hand.

How important is your mental health?

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How fast does time pass you by? Your agenda is full, everything is marked urgent, so you are constantly on the move and forget to take a breath and slow down again. Moving at this pace for a long period can make you feel tired not just physically but also mentally.

What are the 4 pillars of health?

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How do you support your health? What actions do you take to stay healthy? Are you addressing every aspect of your health? If you think so, how do you know? These are questions that keep me and my team up at night. “Why is that Justin?” you may be asking?

7 myths about chiropractic


What are the misconceptions surrounding chiropractic care? Read all about the myths surrounding our wonderful profession.

Are allergies a problem for you?


When we say allergies, what do you think of first? Hay fever, exactly. Although hayfever can be a fairly serious type of allergy, especially around spring and summer, it is not the only allergy. Allergies are caused by an overreaction of your immune system to a foreign agent in your environment. Your immune system’s function is closely connected to the function of your nervous system.

Discomfort when Working from home or the office

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Most jobs these days require you to spend a long time either standing or sitting in the same position, whether you are working from home or from the office. When you do not know how to do this properly it can cause discomfort because of the additional stress on your spine and nervous system.