Are you wealthy?

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Of course the wealth we are talking about here is your health. I’m sure you have heard the quote, “The First Wealth is Health.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson. We hear it and think, yes, it sounds great..and then we move on. But let’s take a second and examine it more closely.

What do Madonna and Barack Obama have in common?

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For those who are not yet convinced and may think that “celebrities” do more strange things; political leaders are also big fans and supporters of chiropractors and get frequently checked for vertebral subluxation by a chiropractor.

What’s That Burning Feeling?

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We are not talking about the sun burning on our skin during summer, or when you are sitting too close to the fire or heating during the winter. We are talking about acid reflux. Is there a natural way of taking care of it?

What can a chiropractor do for you?

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Because chiropractic is becoming very popular, more and more people are coming into contact with chiropractic. This creates new people who sit with questions, what can a chiropractor actually do for you?

Cracking your back is the same as chiropractic care?

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“Remember, your cervical spine is an essential part of your body” says Justin the Chiropractor at The Right Chiro. The cervical spine has the task to hold the entire head’s weight, which is approximately up to 5.5 to 7.5 kg, and to balance it above the person’s shoulders. The act of balancing the head needs the stability that is provided by the joints, ligaments, and the discs in a person’s neck.

Is my child too young?

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Over the years, a number of medical scientists have even conducted research suggesting that defects (vertebral subluxations) were the cause of certain cases of cot death. Today, a lot of parents are convinced that vaccines filled with mercury, aluminium, antifreeze and a number of other toxins can make a child healthier. “These same parents are convinced by traditional media sources and other medical propaganda that chiropractic is a danger to our children.” says Justin the Chiropractor at The Right Chiro.

Why do I need a chiropractor….

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Sometimes clients will claim that they can see that there are subluxations in their spine. They can often feel muscle pain and other soft tissues that may have been damaged, but the possibility of a client identifying the location of a subluxation is, to say the least, very unlikely. So how do you know you have vertebral subluxation and why would you need a chiropractor?

Is chiropractic just for back pain?

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Many people seem to have strong misconceptions about the chiropractic profession. From medical doctors, physiotherapist, beauticians, bakers to your neighbour, people seem to have no idea what a chiropractor actually does, yet they will do anything to tell others that chiropractic is based on quackery and that it can be dangerous to a person’s wellbeing. 

How does the internet work within your body?

trc afbeelding blog internet connectie zenuwstelsel

We know many people regularly upgrade their internet at home to include different options, like ziggo sports. It’s because of this we thought it would be a good idea to inform you and other members of our community about another important connection that needs to be closely monitored, your connection to your ability to heal.

Is your car in a better condition than you are?

trc afbeelding blog auto model

Have you ever noticed that most people take very good care of their car? Do you take just as good care of your body as you do your car? I would bet not, like many people. I have found it amazing that so many people I have spoken with over the years have shown the same amazing attitude: my car comes first.

Going back(pack) to school and what you should know

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Every September (January if you are in the southern hemisphere) young children and teens return to school with clumsy, bulky backpacks strapped over their shoulders. Your children fill these backpacks so full (with all the books they need) that it causes tremendous physical strain on their shoulders and spinal columns.