5 tips to protect your back this christmas

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Picture of Justin


Throughout my life I have noticed how little guidance there is when it comes to maintaining the health of you and your family. This is what drives me, to guide my community in making important health decisions that will lead to better health and a better life for you and your family.

Picture of Justin


Throughout my life I have noticed how little guidance there is when it comes to maintaining the health of you and your family. This is what drives me, to guide my community in making important health decisions that will lead to better health and a better life for you and your family.

Read more about Justin

It’s christmas eve tomorrow, and you are rushing around trying to get everything ready for the busy fun weekend ahead. Getting the groceries, making your list of what to buy and where, and doing any last minute present shopping. Not to mention the dozen other chores that the festivities bring with them. Even though you can do almost everything online from food to clothes to toys, you will still be doing some shopping the good old fashioned way because it is part of the season.. There will be bags to carry, raw food items to get into your refrigerator, pots of food to consume, presents to wrap and tear open and obviously lots of sitting and recovering with family etc.


busy christmas


The unfortunate part of this season is you tend to neglect your health, especially the health of your spine. As a chiropractic practice we see it all the time. People come to us in the new year and say: “Justin I just bent over to pick up the wrapping paper and bam, I felt my back go and now I have terrible pain in my lower back.” They neglect to mention the weird carrying of groceries, the hours of awkward standing while wrapping gifts, checking on the food while cooking, sitting and  eating and only then while cleaning up the carnage do they feel the build up of everything.   


What we have decided to do is give you some Christmas survival tips to protect your back from unnecessary injury:

1. Carry the Same Amount of Weight in Both Hands – Distribute Evenly 

When you have to carry two bags, try to match their weights. Both your hands should have to bear roughly the same weight. Otherwise the imbalance will put stress on your spine.

carrying groceries

2. Do everything at a reasonable pace 

Stress typically causes you (almost everyone) to move around at home and at the shops without thinking. There is a lot of running, moving fast and that is when mistakes can happen. Move with a consistent pace, this will give you the space to think and decrease mistakes. It’s alright to be excited during your Christmas shopping. Just don’t carry the shopping bags in a rush. Be careful, and use your legs and core muscles. And lift straight!

shopping list

3. Make a List and Check it Twice

Before you head into town, make a list of the things you need and possible alternatives. This will help you shop quickly and thoroughly, without draining too much energy and creating more stress and rush if you forget anything.

4. Revisit Your Car During Shopping

You may have more than a few bags when you’re Christmas shopping. Trying to carry them all at once to your car might be physically possible, but will put more stress on your back. So when you have 2-3 bags on your hands, drop them off in your car and then head back to the store/shop to continue your holiday shopping marathon.


5. Don’t Do These 3 Thing Together

Twist, bend and lift – don’t try to do these at the same time!

Imagine if you got through the Christmas weekend with as much energy and feeling as good and excited as you did going into it. When you take the time to follow these tips, and obviously enjoy the time with your family that can happen. “Give yourself the best gift this christmas, that is enjoying the time with friends and family without any pain because you gave the time to look after your spine.” Annika (chiropractic advisor at The Right Chiro) suggests. 




The bottom line is whatever you do this Christmas, be mindful of your back. If you think your back is giving you some trouble, send us a whatsapp. We will do what we can while we are closed to make sure you have a good Christmas break and we will help you in the new year. We wish you and your family and friends a happy Christmas and a merry New Year. We cannot wait to start a glorious and healthy 2022 with you. 

At The Right Chiro we understand that you are frustrated and disappointed with your current state of health, because we see the overwhelm in making the best choices for your health and a lack of trust in your body’s ability to heal. We offer family chiropractic care and health education, giving you clarity in making the Right choices and reconnecting you with your ability to heal. We want to help you unleash the best in you, because you deserve a life free of discomfort and uncertainty.

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