My body and immune system are weak!

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Picture of Justin


Throughout my life I have noticed how little guidance there is when it comes to maintaining the health of you and your family. This is what drives me, to guide my community in making important health decisions that will lead to better health and a better life for you and your family.

Picture of Justin


Throughout my life I have noticed how little guidance there is when it comes to maintaining the health of you and your family. This is what drives me, to guide my community in making important health decisions that will lead to better health and a better life for you and your family.

Read more about Justin

Perceiving your body as weak, vulnerable or broken is common in our culture. From pharmaceutical companies, to medical doctors, even television shows and movies show us how weak our bodies are, especially against viruses and bacteria. What this narrative does over time is teach you to treat your body that way. So instead of drinking more water and resting, you tend to go out and get 2 to 4 different medications to manage your symptoms and hope the cold or flu is over with quickly.


When you have the perception that your body, and immune system, are weak you become trapped in your body. That means you need to fight against your environment to prevent it from overwhelming your body. “The problem with this perception is that this will almost always be a losing battle.” Says Justin, the chiropractor at The Right Chiro. Why, you ask?

Because bacteria and viruses outnumber us massively on this planet. Research shows that there are 10³¹ different viruses in the air, 10³¹ different viruses in the soil or earth, and then 10³¹ different viruses in the oceans and water. That number is a 10 with 31 0’s behind it! The amount of different viruses on our planet exceeds the number of known stars and galaxies in the universe. That is excluding the number of different bacteria species, fungi, and parasites that exist. You alone, heck even us as a species, stand no chance against such an overwhelming number.

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doctors board (2)

When you go out into the world with this perception it is then easy to be fearful, anxious and for companies to use tag lines like “us against corona” to keep you in a state of fear. When you are scared you are not thinking and responding, you are reacting. When you are reacting against your environment 2 important things happen:

  1. You are no longer able to make reasonable decisions that support your health (unless you have used these in previous experiences)
  2. You keep your body and nervous system in a state of sympathetic overload. This actually switches off your immune system and makes you more susceptible to disease and infection. Why? Because when you are in a chronically stressed state it is more important for your vital organs and muscles to get blood and energy. Your immune system becomes secondary.


This leads you to making hasty and poor decisions that enter you into a vicious cycle where you just end up being overstressed, overtired, sick more often, experiencing the beginning of more chronic developmental issues and more pain. 


“Imagine, now that you know how your immune system functions and what ultimately breaks it down, you know what choices you need to make to support it.” Says Annika, the Chiropractic advisor at The Right Chiro. You come regularly to The Right Chiro to make sure your immune and nervous system are at their best, you eat, drink, think and move in ways that support your health.


This means you are less sick, opening up that time and energy to be more productive at work and potentially get a raise or a promotion. You get to spend better and more quality time with your family and friends. They see this and ask you your secret. Now, not only are you feeling better but you are enjoying your time at home and at work more.


So it is easy to see why you should see yourself as part of the environment you share with the viruses and bacteria that live within it. This relationship is vital for the proper health and function of your immune system and body. When this system, like all systems in your body, is functioning well you are kept in connection with your ability to heal. This gives you the best opportunity to live a happier, healthier and more fulfilled life. 

Would you like to know more about what your immune system is and how your immune system functions? This is just one of the many topics we have at our monthly Health Talk. Call us now to reserve your spot!

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