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I am Andy, I am a born and bred Dutch chiropractor living in Den Bosch.
Being always very active with martial arts, mainly BJJ (brazilian Jiu Jitsu) I have taken some heavy blows and stress over the years. After going to a chiropractor and learning what it is and the effect it has on my health and performance, I want to help others and create opportunities for people to experience the same.
I am Andy, I am a born and bred Dutch chiropractor living in Den Bosch.
Being always very active with martial arts, mainly BJJ (brazilian Jiu Jitsu) I have taken some heavy blows and stress over the years. After going to a chiropractor and learning what it is and the effect it has on my health and performance, I want to help others and create opportunities for people to experience the same.
When we are not reminded of our health from time to time, we are much more likely to take it for granted and let it deteriorate.
This often means that when your health slowly deteriorates you won’t notice until it is too late and you are in chronic pain. Many people have a tendency to let things slide in the long run. This is why there are, for example, rules about working hours or why many people use reminders to remember certain appointments. Have you ever walked out of your dentist office and forgot to make a next appointment? And a year later you get reminded because you feel a hole in your tooth. “I am afraid I have”, says Annika, the Chiropractic advisor at The Right Chiro.
The essence of visiting a chiropractor does not lie in getting rid of pain quickly. Sure, the chiropractor is one of the most successful specialists when it comes to taking care of (acute) back/neck/shoulder/headaches. Not only acute symptoms can be taken care of, but the prevention and avoidance of symptoms is the main focus of the chiropractor.
The biggest gains from visiting a chiropractor are actually achieved when you establish a longer relationship with your chiropractor. Especially with regular sessions your health can be monitored and improved for a long time. He or she then becomes your personal coach and the guardian of your health.
You may know the saying that everything becomes more beautiful with attention. This statement is not taken out of the blue. This can be explained more or less as follows, by regularly checking the engine of your car and regularly providing it with new oil, you keep it in good condition. Just as brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing will help prevent cavities. Or when you go to the gym regularly and eat healthy to keep a fit shape.
The same applies to your body and mind. Your health is not static, it is a state that must first be created and then maintained. The chiropractor assists people with all sorts of health problems. Chiropractic care is not only aimed at relieving pain, injuries, complaints and problems. Chiropractic also aims to achieve optimal health. “This is perhaps seen as the greatest benefit of visiting a chiropractor.” Says Justin,the Chiropractor atThe Right Chiro.
So why go to a Chiropractor? This question is almost the same as the question of what the benefits of good health are. You visit a chiropractor because this medical expert can assist you in your quest for optimal healtH.
Visit our chiropractor regularly at the Right Chiro, so you will be (re)checked by an expert who can help you give your health the attention it deserves. Book your appointment Right now.
You feel frustrated and unhappy with your health, having the same pain coming back again and again, making you feel captive with no way to heal ! At The Right Chiro we provide expert chiropractic care, we build you a customised care plan and advise you on good health practises, reconnecting you to your own bodies ability to heal so you can live a healthy, happy and fulfilled life.
Korvelseweg 27A
5025 JB Tilburg
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