How does my work stress influence my health and what can I do about it?

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Picture of Justin


Throughout my life I have noticed how little guidance there is when it comes to maintaining the health of you and your family. This is what drives me, to guide my community in making important health decisions that will lead to better health and a better life for you and your family.

Picture of Justin


Throughout my life I have noticed how little guidance there is when it comes to maintaining the health of you and your family. This is what drives me, to guide my community in making important health decisions that will lead to better health and a better life for you and your family.

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Against popular opinion, your work stress is usually caused by choices you make. Naturally, a lot of these choices don’t always present or feel like choices, but for some we actually have more influence over than we think. When you know which choices you make that are leading to stress, you can better control or influence the situation. And then when you start taking responsibility for these areas of your health and life you live a happier, healthier and more fulfilled life.

When you are sitting at work for hours and feel a headache coming on, it stops you from focusing and you cannot get all your work done. Your boss checks in and asks why you have not done more work, you feel agitated by their lack of understanding, worried that they may be disappointed in you, and this makes it even harder to continue. Eventually the end of the day comes, you get to go home, and as you get home you have to help with the family chores or worse do them all yourself before you get a moment’s rest.  Does this sound at all familiar?

Your health is like a tectonic plate on which the rest of your life moves. The rest of your life being your family, house, job, sport, hobbies etc. For instance you can lose your family dog and still have the rest of your family, you can change jobs and still have the rest, but the thing you cannot lose, the thing everything rests on is your health. You need to look after it. 

Where does work come in? Your work environment categorises and defines a big part of the type of stress we get . Your work environment can push you into different stresses, the most common ones are physical and mental stress. They are also not easy to control because very often, unless you have your own business or are in management, you cannot necessarily make changes to the environment. An interesting note to make here is that the principle behind which these stressors work when you are at work, is the same way that they work when you are in school or at home. The better you manage your stress in all environments, the better you will be able to take on higher stress levels when it is necessary.

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Our bodies are extremely clever and capable of adapting and compensating within most environments. It is when these stressors, chemical, physical and mental, build up and overwhelm your body that we start to see it truly break down and give off signals. These we all know and include problems with concentration, lack of motivation, restless feeling, brain fog, headaches, back pain, neck pain etc. 


The most common way of dealing with these problems is going to your medical doctor that will likely first prescribe you medication. The problem with this is that it is invasive, suppressing symptoms and without taking any responsibility. Chiropractic realigns your spine so that your posture will be better, easier to manage and frees up your nervous system so that the function of your body stays as best as it can, and helps you manage the stresses better.

Imagine what life would look like at work, and at home, if you could stand up straighter, manage your stress better and function the best you can. 


Not only would you be more productive and possibly enjoy work more, but you would be able to put yourself in line for a better bonus, raise or even a promotion. We all know that when work life is easier, home life is so much easier too because you are not taking work home with you and you get to enjoy your free time again! 

This is why we want to help you, so you can handle your work stress better and make better choices related to it. Taking responsibility = better outcomes. Better outcomes  = better connection to your ability to heal which will ultimately = a happier, healthier and more fulfilled life. 

So don’t wait or hesitate and give us a call today to find out how we can help you! Help you get the life you deserve, and live a much happier, healthier and more fulfilled life.

You feel frustrated and unhappy with your health, having the same pain coming back again and again, making you feel captive with no way to heal ! At The Right Chiro we provide expert chiropractic care, we build you a customised care plan and advise you on good health practises, reconnecting you to your own bodies ability to heal so you can live a healthy, happy and fulfilled life.