Radiating pain is harmless…
Obviously we all know that’s not the case. So where does radiating pain come from and can a chiropractor help to to get rid of radiating pain and the underlying cause?
Cracking your back is the same as chiropractic care?
“Remember, your cervical spine is an essential part of your body” says Justin the Chiropractor at The Right Chiro. The cervical spine has the task to hold the entire head’s weight, which is approximately up to 5.5 to 7.5 kg, and to balance it above the person’s shoulders. The act of balancing the head needs the stability that is provided by the joints, ligaments, and the discs in a person’s neck.
Is chiropractic just for back pain?
Many people seem to have strong misconceptions about the chiropractic profession. From medical doctors, physiotherapist, beauticians, bakers to your neighbour, people seem to have no idea what a chiropractor actually does, yet they will do anything to tell others that chiropractic is based on quackery and that it can be dangerous to a person’s wellbeing.
How does the internet work within your body?
We know many people regularly upgrade their internet at home to include different options, like ziggo sports. It’s because of this we thought it would be a good idea to inform you and other members of our community about another important connection that needs to be closely monitored, your connection to your ability to heal.
Do you ever daydream about how amazing living beings really are?
If you ever take the time to think about the many challenges that all life forms must overcome in order to survive on this crazy planet, you will really begin to appreciate the beauty of this complex task.
Going back(pack) to school and what you should know
Every September (January if you are in the southern hemisphere) young children and teens return to school with clumsy, bulky backpacks strapped over their shoulders. Your children fill these backpacks so full (with all the books they need) that it causes tremendous physical strain on their shoulders and spinal columns.
Are you being held captive by your pain?
Stop being a captive to your pain and start living a happier, healthier and more fulfilled life. Right now your body is working as hard as it can to help you keep going, to keep you functioning “normally”. Like you it is trapped, trapped in a state of poor function and compensation patterns.
What is Subluxation and how does it affect me?
A vertebral subluxation occurs when one or more vertebrae in your spine move out of their ideal position and/or when there is a restriction of movement between two vertebral joints. This is typically caused by your body’s reaction to stress in your environment (we will dive deeper into this later). This causes interference in the function of the nervous system, and can cause increased physical and chemical stress in the tissues surrounding the area.
What is Subluxation and how does it occur?
A vertebral subluxation occurs when one or more vertebrae in your spine move out of their ideal position and/or when there is a restriction of movement between two vertebral joints. This is typically caused by your body’s reaction to stress in your environment (we will dive deeper into this later). This causes interference in the function of the nervous system, and can cause increased physical and chemical stress in the tissues surrounding the area.
Discomfort when Working from home or the office
Most jobs these days require you to spend a long time either standing or sitting in the same position, whether you are working from home or from the office. When you do not know how to do this properly it can cause discomfort because of the additional stress on your spine and nervous system.
Pain in your lower back or pelvis during pregnancy
During pregnancy, a woman’s body has to go through dramatic changes on a physical, chemical and emotional level. These changes occur to support the growth of your baby and the function of your body.